Not fracking, again?

Anti-fracking campaigners outside the controversial Preston New Road drill site in Blackpool, where a moratorium was agreed following earth tremours

Craig's latest splurge in the Isle of Thanet News bigs up Britain's dilatory response to the Ukraine crisis but is in fact yet another advertorial for fracking.

"The question we need to ask ourselves is whether we’re prepared to be part of the financing of Russia or accept the small inconveniences of shale gas extraction? "

I don't know what colour the sky is on the planet Craig inhabits, but even there, shale gas extraction (if permitted) would be many years away from adding a small amount of gas onto the global marketplace and making no difference to the UK's supply and prices.

What he fails to acknowledge is that if the Tories had not blocked progress on renewables and insulation over the last decade, Britain would already be generating more clean energy than the amount provided by the fuels imported from Russia.

Removing green subsidies for households caused the number of homes getting loft or cavity wall insulation to dive by 92% and 74% respectively. Our energy bills are £2.5bn higher due to the scrapping of higher energy standards for new builds. There are enough new wind and solar schemes stuck awaiting planning permission to completely replace Russias imports.

Our Cop26 pledges demand the cessation of fracking. I don't know why Craig is so vociferous in support of such an unpopular, environmentally damaging industry that will make not a jot of difference to Britain's immediate energy needs.

Perhaps he could enlighten us, but I advise you not to hold your breath while waiting for an answer.

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One thought on “Not fracking, again?

  1. craigwatch says:

    And news just in. "UK can eliminate need for Russian gas this year, research shows". Very simple strategies to increase insulation and nudge people towards very small power savings could eliminate GB's need to import Russian gas without any fracking, opening up North Sea gas wells or any other climate damaging stuff.
    An intelligent man would see new data, and admit he was wrong. And what does Craig Mackinlay do?...

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