March 2022

Not fracking, again?

Craig's latest splurge in the Isle of Thanet News bigs up Britain's dilatory response to the Ukraine crisis – but it is, in fact, yet another advertorial for fracking

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Lobbying & Disinformation
Renewables are expensive ... Not!

Why does Craig and the Net Zero Scrutiny Group peddle falsehoods? Is there any connection with their funding by the fossil fuel industry?

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Counter Arguments
It's not all Putin's fault

It isn’t all Putin’s fault. It's the fault of the government of which Craig is a member. They have failed to invest heavily into green energies, have cancelled plans to insulate homes and ensure high insulation standards for new-builds, and have continued to subsidise fossil fuels at colossal levels.

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More fracking madness

CM's latest outburst on the appalling Ukrainian situation is to use it as a pretext to open up new fossil fuel exploitation, including fracking, which has been roundly condemned.

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